Welcome ISLA Community! 

Membership to the ISLA PTO is open to:

  • Any parent, guardian, or grandparent with child(ren) attending ISLA interested in the Mission of the ISLA PTO
  • Any ISLA staff interested in the Mission of the ISLA PTO
  • Those willing to uphold its basic policies and subscribe to its bylaws.

There are no dues for membership, however all members are encouraged to contribute volunteer time and/or financial support as they are able at various times throughout the year. As a public charter school in Minnesota, we thrive through a combination of both state and community and family support.

We encourage community engagement through ISLA PTO meetings, volunteering and attending ISLA PTO community events!

Our Mission:

Promote communication and cooperation between parent(s) or guardian(s), school staff and our children to build community.

Enhance the educational and social experiences that our children have at ISLA by enriching the curriculum and providing social activities allowing the school community to connect both in and outside of the classroom.

Raise funds and promote involvement in school activities through the following means:

  • Providing annually budgeted and PTO-sponsored activities and additional programs and materials.
  • Supplementing annual ISLA PTO budget for additional equipment, materials and activities.
  • Evaluating requests for financial support for special activities, resources and supplies.

The ISLA PTO will operate according to its bylaws, focus on the best interests of the students, communicate with openness and candor, and strive to excite students in their pursuit of academic excellence.

The ISLA PTO will strive to be a progressive organization regarding parent participation, fundraising, enrichment programs and services to encourage the educational experiences for all students.

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